WaterUps® Oasis 1680 Wicking Bed


The WaterUps® Oasis 1680 Wicking Bed has been designed for those gardeners looking for a deeper bed to grow larger plants. They are manufactured from colorbond® steel and include top and bottom capping rails for greater wall strength.

External – 1665(L) x 865(W) x 450mm(H)

Craving a deeper, more resilient gardening bed to cultivate larger plants? You’ve found your match in the Oasis 1680 Wicking Bed. 

Traditional gardening can become a juggling act between plant care and water conservation, not to mention the tedious daily watering routines. 

The Oasis 1680 addresses these issues by providing an innovative, self-watering system that needs attention only every two or three weeks. No more daily hosing, no more drought stress for your plants. 

Features & Benefits: 

  • Sturdy Construction: Made with Australian Colourbond steel, complete with top and bottom capping rails for enhanced durability. 
  • Efficient Watering: Utilises a unique wicking system to hydrate your plants from below, conserving water and your time. 
  • Safe and User-friendly: Our design includes die-cast bevelled corners, making it ideal for environments like schools and early learning centres. 

While providing a deep bed for more advanced gardening, its user-friendly design also makes the Oasis 1680 an excellent choice for those wanting to take their first deep dive into self-watering gardens. 

Ready to simplify your gardening while achieving better results? Order your Oasis 1680 Wicking Bed today! 

Available in the following colours; Woodland Grey (with Woodland Grey top and bottom rails), Pale Eucalypt, Wallaby or Shale Grey (with Shale Grey top and bottom rails).

Additional Extras:

Dimensions: External – 1665(L) x 865(W) x 450(H) The kit includes all required wicking components including;

8 x WaterUps® cells
1 x WaterUps® Reservoir Liner
1 x WaterUps® inlet pipe and cap
1 x WaterUps® Long overflow pipe